Series on Discovery Channel / October 2020

In search of the most beautiful house in Germany, Discovery Channel paid us a visit. The jury was impressed and awarded us a perfect score! As a result, a captivating and affectionate film was produced. Please click on the image.


Comments from the usually strict jury member, Guido Frinken: "Oh my, it's beautiful... It's like a little dream, isn't it?... The garden caught my attention, but once inside, I was truly amazed... What an amazing meditation room. I feel a bit like I'm in a baby temple. You can truly soar here... We're really in an international farmhouse, it's like a little journey around the world that you can experience here, and there's something to discover everywhere..."

And television presenter Eva Brenner gives us a perfect score with the affectionate comment: "I can sense when a house has good karma, when good things have happened here or when efforts have been made to create a comfortable atmosphere. And that is palpable here from start to finish... I am still speechless from the visit to the old farmhouse.""

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Creative Director Sebastian Feicht: 'I immediately think of France, a Provence feeling. It's like a world tour of interior design with various styles, yet it's still harmonious. And that's a great, great feat. Add to that the highlight of the meditation ambiance...'“